Mahir Ateş and Abdullah Ilgaz who continue their education at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Selçuk University. At the same time, they are engaged in professional sports in different fields under the Physical Disability Sports Federation.
We met them at the beginning of 2019 thanks to the national athlete and coach Abdullah Sarı. Mahir and Abdullah decided to work in the free jump sport but they needed support. Then we decided to support them without any hesitation.
Mahir and Abdullah worked hard, believed, and succeeded. During the year, they participated in many competitions for the world championship.
They made us proud at the World Paralympic Championships held in Dubai in November. They left behind their competitors while Abdullah Ilgaz was 7th in the World ranking by setting Turkey’s new record and Mahir Ates was 9th in the World ranking.
On the other hand, our athletes have achieved great success in the country. For example, at the Athletics Championships held on the July 15th Democracy and National Unity Day, Abdullah Ilgaz won the gold medal and Mahir Ateş won the silver medal.
Our athletes will participate in the Olympic Games and European Championships in Japan in 2020, and as Koyuncu Group, we will always try to stand by them. Thank you guys, we are proud of you…
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